New Studio

Sunday, March 8, 2009

My studio lights arrived the other day simply love them. So happy that I got the Photogenic versus the Alien Bees for those who don't know what I am talking about its okay! It has taken me most of the weekend to play around with them and get my room set up the way I like it. I found out my desk needs to go there is not enough space. I am sure David will be happy to have me back in the dinning room. :)

Here are a few pictures I took of Logan over the weekend. I have had to bribe my family to pose for me. Normally on a good day all I have to do is whip out the camera and smile. Guess they were tried of that slick move of mine! Here are pictures of Logan and his cute self. I hope to have some new ones of the other kids. For those who asked about my set up don't worry I will post pictures this week.

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